Thursday, March 16, 2006

COLUMNIST LUCY KELLAWAY竟然在FT開了一個類似“金夫人信箱” 之類的物體﹐跟人提供人事工作上的意見。她也會邀請所有讀者一起發表看法。


I did not grow up wanting to be a lawyer, I just ended up there because I had good grades and was attracted to the big salary. I left everything in my early 30s and travelled the world for two years, but then I had to come back to law-related work to pay the mortgage. Now I’m in my late 30s and desperately want to do something meaningful. But I have obligations, have acquired a lifestyle. So I lack the courage to change completely, to give up the big salary, even though I know I could be much happier living another life…but how to get there? Lawyer, male, 30s, London

有一位銀行家﹐以他差不多三十年的工作經驗﹐建議這位律師重新捲起衣袖﹐再次投入現時工作。他以為﹐在三十歲這樣的黃金時期﹐離開工作崗位﹐環遊世界﹐一定會給將來的僱主一個很壞的印象。況且﹐才工作了幾年光陰﹐便能在世界漫遊兩年﹐回來後一定會感到失去方向。唯有重頭開始﹐方是解決眼前和未來問題的方法。這位賓架說﹐IN OTHER WORDS﹐GROW UP。

另有一位六十歲的老人家跟大家分享他的經驗。原來﹐十年前﹐他便作了一個很大的決定﹕放棄一份高薪優差﹐全身投入攝影上面。那時候﹐朋友都笑他傻﹑笑他瘋。不過﹐他堅持己見﹐相信ART IS NOTHING WITHOUT CCONTEXT AND THE CONTEXTI S COMMITMENT。經過十年努力﹐他以為自己算是略有成就﹐心靈總算找到一點安寧。所以﹐他叫那位律師不好理會那條BUNGEE CORD有沒有繫緊﹐只管無悔地從萬丈高臺跳下去。




You say you want your work to be “meaningful”. I cannot think of any work I would describe that way, expect possibly farming, teaching and nursing. All office work fails this test horribly.

Your predicament says more about you than about your job – I suspect you are generally fed up with life. When I get depressed journalism seems pointless; once I perk up the job starts to seem better too.

You need to ask yourself other, more practical things about the law. Are you good at it? Do you actually hate it? If so, why? And, most importantly, what else could you do that you would like better?

This is where you come unstuck. As you do not seem to have a fantasy (mine is about teaching maths), you would do better not to change career, but change your attitude towards it instead.

If you insist on clinging to your (optimistic) view that you would be happier in another job, try this. For the next six months live like a pauper on your handsome salary. And in every minute of spare time, actively research the other things you could do. Use your legal background to work for an NGO or do legal aid work, or retain as a barrister. Or consider something else altogether: become an organic ostrich farmer.

If an idea takes root, use your savings and do it. If not, make the best of your present job. Stop asking yourself what it means or whether you are happy. Find other nice things to do when you are not working and try to enjoy the money. And if you cannot enjoy it, give it to charity.



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