Saturday, March 08, 2008




猶記得﹐SIR HUMPHREY那經典的一句﹕

It is characteristic of all committee discussions and decisions that every member has a vivid recollection of them,
and that every member's recollection of them differs violently from every other member's recollection;
consequently we accept the convention that the official decisions are those and only those which have been officially recorded in the minutes by the officials;
from which it emerges with elegant inevitability, that any decision which has been officially reached would have been officially recorded in the minutes by the officials,
and any decisions which is not recorded in the minutes by the officials has not been officially reached,
even if one or more members believe they can recollect it;
so in this particular case, if the decision would have been officially reached,
it would have been recorded in the minutes by the officials and it isn't so it wasn't.



對於那些出色的電視劇﹐英國廣播公司都會出版書籍﹐好讓大家能夠經常容易欣賞。多年前﹐商務印書局春季減價的時候﹐我便一口氣買下了YES﹗MINISTER和YES﹗PRIME MINISTER兩本書。讀著那些遣詞造句﹐不得不感嘆英國官僚遣詞造句的功力。

來到愛爾蘭後﹐在一次WATERSTONE書局大減價的時候﹐我又買了一本BBC出版的電視劇書。那部電視劇﹐叫GRUMPY OLD MAN。也是一部很好笑的電視劇。(單看劇名﹐也猜得到故事內容罷。)


The world is full of electronic bleeping. It's everywhere. Our lives are ruled by it. Bleeping when you set your microwave or unlock your car. Bleeping when you send a text......I mention it because today I was so busy looking for my mobile phone that I was nearly knocked over by the dustcart......




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