Saturday, January 10, 2009

早前﹐《泰晤士報》在副刊裡刊登了一篇劇作家JOHN CLEESE的訪問。他說﹐他花上了畢生時間去了解女人。不過﹐當他跟第三任妻子離婚後﹐他發現﹐做一個六十八歲的單身男人的確是一件賞心樂事。












在短篇故事集《戀愛習慣》裡頭﹐DORIS LESSING寫過這樣的一句﹕「Sometimes boys say a thing, and they don't mean it the way we think. They feel they have to say it. It's not they don't mean it, but they mean it different.」那是一個母親教導女兒的說話。



Anonymous said...




May said...

des -- yr boss is a really talented and sensible lady~~~ lucky u!!

The Man Who Loves Everton said...


About marriage. You are correct. Unfortunately, one can't be single if one reaches the age of mid-thirties. But, am reading the new book of Julian Fellowes. Past Imperfect. (A good book, indeed.) There's a very interesting paragraph which I want to share,

I only married because I'd got to that age when it starts to feel old not to have married. I was thirty-six or -seven and curious eyebrows were beginning to be raised. Of course, I was a fool. If I'd waited another five years, my friends would have started to divorce and I wouldn't have been the only freak in the circus.

About the last thing you mentioned, I don't mind if she is gorgeous. Age shouldn't be a problem, should it?

The Man Who Loves Everton said...


quite true. Luckily, I am having a good boss.

Anonymous said...

Mid-thirties can't be single? You believe that?

The Man Who Loves Everton said...


My answer to your question, I don't want to believe it.

Snowdrops said...

Haha, actually, my head of department only got married for the very first time when he was in his late 40's, and his wife, another well-respected academic, was also already in her 40's and it was also her first time to get married. (And they are still together - in fact, they just adopted a second baby).

My boss was very fond of turning the circumstance of his unusually late marriage into an anecdote. He says that, once you're past the age of 40 nobody expects you to get married and nobody would hassle you about it, as it's just not the done thing in polite society, so he was completely taken aback a mutual friend introduced him to his future wife, a respectable professional woman, by saying, "Hey, you are of similar age, you both have never been married, why don't you two get married?"!!! Little did they realise that they were such obedient sheep when it comes to heeding such marriage advice!

Snowdrops said...

Anyway, regarding your actual post about tricky bosses, my experience has been the complete opposite, as the worst bosses are actually the married women (present company excepted of course!), who somehow seemed to really have it in them against their single underlings!!!

This observation is only restricted to my workplace, of course, and is in no way reflective of all women everywhere.

The Man Who Loves Everton said...


i like your story. i mean, the story of the head of your department.

and, okie having read what you've writen, i'd like to say, the married women in ireland is more troublesome in company. this is my observation. a rather narrow one. but do you agree?